Monday, December 31, 2012

Multi Sports Coach - Berkshire and Buckinghamshire

Multi Sports Coach - Berkshire and Buckinghamshire

Organisation Get Active Sports
Salary ?10 - ?20 p/hr
Location Berkshire and Buckinghamshire
Type of contract Part time
Closing date 31/12/2012

Job Description

Get Active Sports are one of the biggest sports coaching companies in the South of England. We are currently looking for sports coaches in football, basketball, gymnastics, hokcey, tennis, multi skills, dance, tag rugby and many other sports. We currently deliver in over 50 schools across the south and run some really popular holiday clubs.

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The successful candidate will also be offered Holiday work with a minimum of 6 hours a day.

Get Active Sports are always looking to educate are staff and therefore help for staff to gain extra qualifications.

Please see our website for more information.

Good Luck

How to apply

Contact Shaun Grant


(t) 01344 706095

Interview dates
To be arranged

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Daily Kos: The fear of young black men

I'm home from a holiday visit with family members who were gathered in Philly, where I shared the joy my cousins have found. They have adopted a young boy out of foster care. He is three, going on four. He is black. He will now have two well-educated middle class parents to raise him. He will live in a "safe" community with them in a mid-west college town environment. ?

But now that I am home again, I am gripped by melancholy. I cannot avoid my musings?ones that I did not want to share with these two new parents, though I am sure they are just as aware as I am. They are both sociologists and quite familiar with the political and social implications of blackness, or brownness and maleness in our world. They want the best for him, as parents are wont to do. Far easier to smile, hug and imagine a bright future for him. ?

Three distinct yet entwined themes are twisted in my thoughts this morning. The first thread is Newtown and the immense sadness and outpouring of grief for those lost in our latest national tragedy and shame. The second is the stark reality that every day some young black or brown child will die mourned by only a few, and not as part of a national paroxysm of grief and outrage, but simply missed by family and school friends. They will be, however, equally dead. The third is about fear, and in many ways it is the thread that ties in the other two. ?

Even "fear" as I think about it has multiple faces. Why do I hear the drumbeat of fear every time we attempt to stir the waters of a national conversation about gun violence? Every time, I hear one more lament about "it shouldn't have happened here," or "why should innocents die in safe communities," I visualize the other side of the coin. The light and the dark, and dark is surely those unsafe mean streets of urban climes filled with crime and drugs and young black and brown men around whom no one is safe and isn't it true that they are always killing each other? They are dangerous thugs and gangsta gang members in hoodies with baggie pants and surely they must be constrained from invading the safe white spaces of America. Even black middle class parents buy that in hopes that an escape to the burbs or a gated community will somehow fade away their blackness into suburban acceptability. It didn't work for Trayvon Martin's parents.

I wonder why I am not supposed to feel automatic fear when I go to the suburban shopping mall or movie theater near me and see a young white male all dressed in black or camouflage pants? No knee-jerk reaction. No nervous shifting away of eyes and quickened step. They are not invaders. They are normal, and only when atrocity beckons are they then different?but a different singularity. They are mentally ill. They are not part of a slavering wolf pack. So there is nothing really to fear from them. It's simply your bad luck if you happen to fall victim to an anomaly. The press and social theorists from the left and right cry out, "It's the guns. It's lack of mental health services. It's the video games. We must do something! " ?

And so we hold a national day of mourning, flags are at half-staff and we reanimate the debate on how to preserve safety from these lone wolf aberrant young white men. The NRA has its standard response: "It isn't about the guns. Arm the teachers." The Left counters with strident cries for reform along with stricter gun laws to lock up the "criminals." Yet when were these young white men ever criminals? Surely none of them were graduates of the university of the streets or school-to-prison pipeline.

Nothing in any of this addresses the fear and who we are really trained to guard against if "they" should spill out of "their place" in South Philly, Southside Chicago, Harlem or East L.A. Tim Wise explored this in Race, Class, Violence and Denial: Mass Murder and the Pathologies of Privilege, but it got lost during the fractious debate between those on the left who believe in responsible gun ownership and those who calling yet again for reform of the Second Amendment and others who want all guns to go away.

The view from the darker side of the street, though given light this last year by the death of Trayvon Martin, has devolved into yet another debate around "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine," veering away from the highly uncomfortable yet obvious fact that Trayvon would be alive if he wasn't one of those to be feared. His death is complicated by the unheeded cries of those mothers of the feared who have seen their children's lives extinguished by those employed to "serve and protect," not simply self-appointed vigilantes like Zimmerman. Any attempts to delineate this thread in the racial warp and weft are often derailed?which is what happened when shanikka wrote, Hey America! Can you please stop killing our (usually) innocent Black male children now?, in early December. There was a flurry of "But ... but ... but ... what about black on black crime?" which was not the focus of her piece. She tolled the bell for those young black men, and when 12 days later Adam Lanza's slaughter of lambs stopped the nation, her cry was buried under a tidal wave of righteous anti-gun outrage, which obscures the culpability of those that no one has argued should not be armed?the police.

I am a weaver, and as such should be able to follow more than one thread and see in the end product a whole cloth. Yet I am afraid that no matter which individual thread I may focus upon those who fail to pay attention to the red flag waving in front of our faces will yet again follow trail markers leading no where.

I am tangled in a quandary of variables. Constantly forced to pluck individual threads and follow them through the maze that at some point must lead to an opening which we call "change."

Race, class, privilege. Guns, violence, crime. Innocence, guilt, justice. ?

An impossible task to lay out or unravel on one morning's loom. There is no nice, neat finished product to present. There are no easy solutions and where each thread begins, criss-crosses or is knotted off is not always visible.

(Continue reading below the fold.)

Let me pluck first at the thread of racial fear. It is stretched tautly in the fabric of America. Anchored in the past and so tightly woven into the present that it is often overlooked. So deftly woven by those master weavers we call founders that many of the laws we take for granted show few traces of their initial purpose supporting the whole cloth.

I've been told here that gun laws today, and the stance of many ardent supporters of them, have nothing to do with race. And yet, can anyone who reads the rants of the right wing, who has followed the "tough on crime" stances of politicians from both parties through the years, fail to appreciate just who we are trained to view as criminals?

Case in point. Go back with me a few decades to a racial fear tightly knit with sexual threads.

The fear of young black men.



Wolf pack.



Who can forget the case of the Central Park jogger? ?

The Central Park 5

Co-directed, written and produced by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns & David McMahon.

In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were arrested and later convicted of brutally beating and raping a white woman in New York City?s Central Park. New York Mayor Ed Koch called it the ?crime of the century? and it remains to date one of the biggest media stories of our time. The five each spent between 6 and 13 years in prison before a shocking confession from a serial rapist and DNA evidence proved their innocence. Set against a backdrop of a decaying city beset by violence and racial tension, THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE tells the story of how five lives were upended by the rush to judgment by police, a sensationalist media and a devastating miscarriage of justice.

Hard to believe over 50 years have passed since this outrage dominated headlines and shaped both public policy and private fears. Sarah Burns published her book on the case and now the documentary is available for viewing in theaters and online.

Over the years, I've gathered much of the press material around this case and a collection of online comments as well.

Many of those comments promoting fear read like this:

Why did the daughter of Ken Burns bother to write this slop? The animals that were "wilding" in Central Park that night should have been put away for life. If you want the truth about the Central Park jogger story, read Ann Coulter's book, Demonic. Don't waste your money on this one
On the other hand, historical and legal scholars have made linkages to the case of the Scottsboro Boys.
The Central Park Five, the Scottsboro Boys, and the Myth of the Bestial Black Man
In late 1989, five East Harlem teenagers were convicted of brutally raping a white jogger in Central Park, and New York City erupted in racial animosity. Over thirteen years later, on the heels of a serial rapist's detailed confession to the Central Park rape and Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's subsequent investigation revealing extensive evidence of the serial rapist's culpability, New York State Justice Charles Tejada vacated the youths' convictions. Now, in the wake of this monumental development in one of the most racially divisive criminal cases in American history, we are left to consider how these wrongful convictions came to be. This article seeks to do so.

Specifically, this article seeks to examine the Central Park convictions in light of America's long-standing battle with racial stereotyping and, more particularly, in light of the myth, deeply imbedded in American history, that black men are animalistic, sexually unrestrained, and inherently criminal. By deconstructing this myth and analyzing its historic impact on the criminal justice system, its particular impact on the notorious wrongful rape convictions of the Scottsboro Boys in 1931, and its stubborn persistence in modern America, this article seeks to demonstrate the myth's influence on the Central Park convictions.

The case itself is still being litigated in the courts, and in the court of public opinion. Nine years ago, a federal lawsuit was filed on the behalf of the wrongfully convicted (and exonerated) defendants. New York City is now attempting to subpoena the filmmakers. City Subpoenas Film Outtakes as It Defends Suit by Men Cleared in ?89 Rape

So while the no-longer-young men wait for justice, forever branded as animals and feral beasts, I sit and watch yet another obfuscation catch hold in media parlance. Young white Adam Lanza, is now depicted as the child of a "prepper" mom. What's a "prepper"? ?Why are those people preparing for complete financial collapse ... a Doomsday economic scenario, so steeped in fear and paranoia? Even the NY Times noted in reviewing the current crop of reality TV prepper shows:

At their worst the shows don?t merely give the prepper universe a pass on difficult questions; they reinforce its ugliest undercurrents. The most recent ?Doomsday Preppers? included a white family 40 miles from Atlanta that is worried about rioting caused by economic collapse. ?Civil unrest will most likely ensue in the metropolitan areas and then spread out to the suburbs,? the patriarch says.

His defenses include a generous supply of guns and a couple of German shepherds. An expert with a trained attack dog comes by to demonstrate what a properly schooled dog can do. He has a man dress up in protective gear and act menacing, then turns the dog loose. The fake intruder is black, the only black face in the hourlong program.

Am I making the argument that racial fears underlie all of this prepper stuff? No. But it sure is a pesky variable. Just like the ties NRA leadership has to hardcore racists. Throw teapublicans into the brew. You've now got a recipe for racial explosion. ?

One thread. ?

Now let me pick up the dropped stitch of the black youth death thread. Organizations around the country have been calling for change, and pointing to the death statistics in communities of color directly relating to guns. One of the groups at the forefront has been the Children's Defense Fund, who issued this report "Protect Children Not Guns" in March of 2012:

Next month, April 16th, marks the fifth anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre in which 32 students and faculty were killed by a gun, 25 others were injured, and many more were traumatized. Each year since then has seen shootings with multiple victims?young children, teenagers, young adults, a Member of Congress, a federal judge and many more. Days, weeks, months and years go by and little or nothing?except fleeting headlines, tears, trauma and talk?is done to protect children.

A total of 5,740 children and teens died in 2008 and 2009, the two years after the Virginia
Tech shooting, according to the most recent data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is the equivalent of one child or teen being killed by a gun every three hours, or eight each day over those two years, or 229 public school classrooms with 25 students each.

Gun homicide continued as the leading cause of death among Black teens 15 to 19. White teens the same age were more likely to die from motor vehicle accidents, followed by gun homicide in 2008 and gun suicide in 2009.

Black males 15 to 19 were eight times as likely as White males the same age and
two-and-a-half-times as likely as their Hispanic peers to be gun homicide victims in 2009.

Non-fatal gun injuries and the physical and emotional trauma that follows afflicted 34,387
children and teens over two years, 20,596 in 2008 and 13,791 in 2009.
n Taking a 30-year snapshot when child gun death and injury data collection began,116,385 children and teens were killed by firearms between 1979 and 2009?enough to fill 4,655 public school classrooms of 25 students each. Since 1979, America has lost nearly three times as many children and teens to gunfire as the number of U.S. military personnel killed in action during the Vietnam War, and over 23 times the number of U.S. military personnel killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan (5,013).

Where is our anti-war movement here at home? Why does a nation with the largest military budget in the world refuse to protect its children from relentless gun violence and terrorism at home? No external enemy ever killed thousands of children in their neighborhoods, streets and schools year in and year out.

Other groups like Demand a Plan, Mayors against illegal guns have mounted video and petition efforts, utilizing youths ...

... and celebrities.

I worry that as long as the death of a child on the streets of the South Bronx (or even a missing one) has little media currency, the current national outrage will do little to change the facts of life in low income communities of color.

So back to fear.

The fears of young black men.

Afraid they won't grow up to be fathers or grandfathers.

Afraid that this society has only carved out two spaces for them?prison or an early cemetery plot.

Afraid of walking while black, driving while black, shopping while black, breathing while black. Knowledge that even your socks can get you sent to prison. ?

Afraid that no matter how much you achieve or how far you run from certain neighborhoods you will always be a target.

I know some of these fears very well. Contrary to the macho braggadocio portrayed in much of the money making gangsta rap imagery, I have spent time with young black and brown men who are part of street "gangs" or associations here in New York. I've looked into the faces of some of those teens who are afraid to walk down their own streets, who get shot in their own backyards or on front stoops. I've seen a mom decide to give up a badly needed job and pull her son out of school to homeschool him, afraid he will not make it alive into the next grade. I've seen the fear on the faces of those youths who get shipped upstate to prison for the first time. Fear they will never make it back out again alive. Fear that if they do they will never get a job?not after being branded criminal for life.

Fear of even venturing into areas that are delineated as white. Lest anyone point fingers at southern racism, the fear of white spaces is also a northern one. ?Yusef Hawkins paid for his trespass with death, in Bensonhurst, as did others. Yet young white men are not wilders nor feral wolf packs and animals. In "The Press and the Central Park Jogger," Lynnell Hancock points out:

The jogger case planted "wilding" into the English lexicon, a term that came to define the inhumanity of these kids. But it was never clear where it came from ? the kids, the police, or the media ozone. "The word seemed to come out of the ether," remembers Krajicek, a former professor at Columbia'sjournalism school and author of Scooped: Media Miss Real Stories on Crime While Chasing Sex, Sleaze and Celebrities. "It took on a life of its own." Meanwhile, at the same time the first Central Park jogger trial was going on, thirty white teens in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, cornered sixteen-year-old Yusef Hawkins near a used-car lot and shot him dead. New York Newsday referred to those arrested as "white young men." The Daily News called them "a gang of thirty white teens." The city's leaders were equally subdued. Mayor Koch painted the killing as "an enormous tragedy."

I have black and latino male students who were afraid to come to upstate New York to my university. White spaces inside or outside of the city borders can be fatal.

Talking with my husband about these fears during the drive back to New York from Philly was disconcerting. He shared a memory with me of his experience with a program designed to help "inner city kids" go to the country for "fresh air" for the summer. He and his sister were sent out of East Harlem to stay on a farm upstate New York. His sister looked "white." He was dark. The host family had a black dog named Rastus. On the day of his arrival, the white host family nicknamed my husband "Rastus." He never went back. Better to risk the mean streets than face the white demeaning.

Other variables and threads in our racial crazy quilt cannot be ignored. Segregated housing. Inferior schools. Neighborhoods where stray bullets are peskier than mosquitoes, and far more deadly. ?

What kind of massive Marshall Plan must we enact to begin to even make a tear in the capitalist white elite favoring fabric of our nation?

Will a call to get rid of guns simply turn into more anti-crime legislation and stop and frisk laws like the abuses in NYC? ? ?

I know my own fears, and the often contradictory positions I hold. I lived through my family moving out of Brooklyn to the green streets of Queens. Who wouldn't want to live in "a better neighborhood." We moved in and white flight ensued. The American Dream of the house on tree-lined streets in suburban wonderland or in discreetly gated communities of safety, while the urban sprawl rots and spreads is no futuristic nightmare from the dystopic visions of writers like William Gibson.

Gated community? The gates I knew were rusty and on the windows in the front of and back of my shotgun apartment in East Harlem?preventing access to those who made free of the fire escapes that were the only balconies we had in that neighborhood. Calling the cops was never an option. Having a gun for protection behind those gates was often salvation. What rights do poor people have to self-defense and safety? ?

I remember waiting in the dark as a burglar crawled through the window of my small one-room efficiency apartment in a "rough" section of D.C. Once he was half-way in I threw on the lights and he looked down the barrel of my shotgun. I calmly gave him two choices. Come in any further and I'd pull the trigger, or he could wriggle back out and tell all his buddies on the block that there was a crazy b***h in residence with a piece. He took option number two. I was left in peace till I moved. ?

Anyone who thinks there is no fear in poor communities needs their heads examined. Anyone who thinks that the often touted "black on black crime" we read so much about is somehow different from white on white crime is buying yet another twisted media line.
We are so used to the term "white collar crime" that we forget that from the perspective of communities of color it is interchangeable with "white people crime". And rarely does it land you on the "go to jail" space in Monopoly. ? ?

Poverty is violence. Unequal rights is violence. Our criminal injustice system is violence. Who says any of this is going to be easy for us to undertake changing it all?

I am under no illusion that the multiple ills of our society are going away anytime soon. I realize that I have not even touched the subject of a broader global perspective. ?

Today I simply ponder a tear on the face of a young brother. ?
I want to gather that tear and add it to those that fill a million oceans.

The Women Gather

He was her only child, her baby boy
She was his second daughter, a father's pride and joy.
Somebody's mother, brother, best friend, sister, lover
Maybe an A-1 student running, hiding, taking cover.

The women gather crying tears that fill a million oceans
It doesn't matter where you're living,
The women gather crying tears that fill a million oceans
It doesn't matter where you're living
The women gather

People say, "Not in this neighborhood!
It doesn't happen here!
Our kids have everything,
What do we have to fear?"
But what about the ones who say, "This happens every day;
Drugs and violence take our children.
How much more death can come our way?"

The women gather crying tears that fill a million oceans
It doesn't matter where you're living,
The women gather crying tears that fill a million oceans
it doesn't matter where you're living,
The women gather


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Best of 2012: Buena Male Athlete, Female Athlete and Coach of the year

Buena head football coach, Ryan Scherling, center, is our pick for top coach of 2012, and is flanked by male athlete of the year, Buena junior running back Dominique Drake to his right, and Arizona State University thrower Ashley Weber, our female athlete of the year. (Beatrice Richardson?Herald/Review)

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SIERRA VISTA ? Ryan Scherling would have been an easy choice for Herald/Review Coach of the Year for 2012 for no other reason than in his first year, the 27-year-old from Kansas City led the Buena High School football team to its first state playoff appearance in 19?years.

It would have been almost as easy to make his case based on the sheer marketing determination, confidence and know-how he used to bring back community and commercial?enthusiasm.

But perhaps the best argument for Scherling as Coach of the Year, was his commitment to making it all work his?way.?

Upon arriving in April, Scherling promised to implement a wide-open offense he dubbed ?Spread Coast.? At the time, he really had no idea whether he had the horses to make a formation with four, and sometimes five receivers coming back from a senior-laden team a year earlier that won just three games with a simpler?offense.

?It?s kind of a cool offense that can do a lot of different things and I think we showed that,? Scherling?said.?

?It was going to have to adapt to our personnel, but I knew this place had athletic personnel, and I?m looking for even better things last?year.?

The Colts went 8-3 on the season, riding a six-game winning streak to reach state after starting?2-2.

?The high point of the season for me was making the playoffs,? Scherling?said.?

?Once we beat Sunnyside and we knew we were in ? it was a night you?ll never?forget.?

Along the way, Scherling?s offense smashed most of the school?s single-season?records.?

Junior quarterback Rafael Adames set records in passing yardage and touchdown passes that had stood for more than 25 years, but the biggest numbers were put up by junior running back Dominique

Drake rushed for 2,105 yards and 28 touchdowns ? both school records ? doing it all with just five interior linemen and no blocking back in front of?him.

Drake arrived at Buena from Maryland in late July, and if he hadn?t shown up, it?s doubtful Scherling?s debut season as a head coach would have been nearly as

?It was pretty amazing that I broke the record,? said Drake, our runaway choice for 2012 Herald/Review Male Athlete of the?Year.?

?I want to just come out next year and break that?record.?

Drake said that when he first showed up at Buena, he couldn?t have imagined the kind of personal and team success he?d?have.

?When I first came out here, everybody was playing around and not very focused,? Drake?said.?

?But by the end of the year, we were pretty?tough.?

2013 figures to be even more promising for the Colts, who return virtually all of their skill players on offense, and get the benefit of moving down from Division I to Division II, meaning they?ll no longer have to compete in state against teams like Mesa Red Mountain, which delivered the Colts a 45-6 loss in the first round of state. ?I think we have a good team coming back; our goal is to compete for a championship,? Scherling

?I want even more excitement. I want our numbers to increase at all levels, and with success, I think those numbers will go up. Success breeds competition within our?program.?


Our choice for Female Athlete of the Year is once again a repeat winner. Buena?s Bora Leonard took our top spot in 2009 and 2010, and for the second straight year, Buena thrower Ashley Weber is our pick for No. 1 after closing out her high school career with dual state championships in the shot put and the?discus.

In May, Weber won the Division I state title at Mesa Community College in the shot put with a throw of 41 feet, 9 1/2 inches, and followed that up by taking gold in the discus with a heave of 133 feet, 3 inches. In July, Weber nearly defended her national title in the hammer throw, finishing second at 159 feet at Junior Nationals in Maryland, and finishing fourth in the shot put at 45 feet, 2 1/2?inches.

She signed with Arizona State University and is currently a redshirt freshman on the Sun Devils??squad.

?I?m learning a lot, working on things and getting stronger,? Weber said. ?I?m kind of a hammer specialist now. I?m practicing weights and shots for the indoor season, but it?s nice this season to not have a lot of pressure, and taking time to learn as much as I?can.?

In the hammer, the Sun Devils currently feature fifth-year senior Chelsea Cassulo, leaving the door open for Weber to take the top spot next?season.

?I might be the primary hammer thrower. There?s a walk-on who?s showing a lot of talent, too, so it will be fun to see how it all works out,? Weber said. ?I?m spending this season getting stronger and learning things, next year we?ll see how things wind up, and by my fifth year, who?knows??


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

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In Brazil, a river dam collides with the past

SANTO ANTONIO, Brazil ? The wind blows in from the river, mingling with the scent of the day's last meal in the kitchen. The smells of work and home for Valcione da Silva. He sits on a worn bench and watches children play on the floor, laughing. Somewhere outside, a siren begins, long and loud.

Da Silva reaches beneath his bench to retrieve two knives, double-edged like daggers. They're not weapons, he says, clattering them together. They're special fishing tools. "Only wood," he says. He ignores the siren.

He pulls out what appears to be a string of plastic Coke bottles dangling from a belt. "Look," he says, pressing into the side of a bottle. It flexes open along a slit in the plastic. When he lets go, it springs closed again. "Very simple. I can keep them alive in here." His fish are delicate, he says.

A moment later a thunderous WHOOMP shakes the little home, and a concussion rolls the air like a wave on the river. Dirt dances on the floor. The nearly bare shelves rattle. Another WHOOMP, and outside in the yard, the leaves of Da Silva's mango tree flicker green and silver.

Da Silva walks to his doorway with his wooden daggers, and looks like a man standing at the edge of the world.

Over the last year the villagers around him have packed up and left. A few days ago the school closed, because all but Da Silva's children had left. His wife was the teacher, so she continues their lessons at home. Santo Antonio would look like a ghost town, except that bulldozers have leveled all the empty homes.

Da Silva watches the trucks as they rumble past, carrying countless tons of earth, blown with dynamite from the hillsides where he was born.

"I want to stay and fish," the 36-year-old says. But it's early December, and he'll have to leave soon; clever men with clipboards have outmaneuvered him.

In the morning, he says, he will do the only thing within his power. He'll break the law.


Progress and the past are colliding at Da Silva's doorway.

His small home sits at the foot of the Belo Monte dam site, where a consortium is building the third-largest dam in the world, almost four miles across the Xingu River, a $16-billion construction project in the heart of the Amazon basin.

Indigenous peoples and environmental groups have cried out against the dam for reasons local and global; the people here depend on the mighty Xingu River ? one of the Amazon's largest tributaries ? for transportation, and their livelihoods. Environmental groups say the dam will destroy rain forest that the world needs to breathe. The builders counter that millions of Brazilians need the electricity, and construction continues.

There had always been talk of a gigantic dam. During the dictatorships of the 1970s, important men made speeches about the riches of the Amazon, waiting to be discovered.

In 1972, President Emilio Medici showed up with a construction crew just outside Santo Antonio. The president cut down a Brazil nut tree ? a symbol of the rain forest ? and stood on its fresh stump to make a speech about bringing industry, roads and population to the Amazon. Part of the plan, starting in 1975, was to build a massive hydroelectric dam.

There's a pattern, in Brazilian history, of industries focusing on one natural resource, stripping it, and moving on to another. When Portuguese colonials arrived, the Brazil nut tree was so plentiful that the explorers named the country after it. Now the trees are endangered. Later prospectors found so much gold that they named an entire state Minas Generais, or General Mines. The gold is dwindling too. The same happened with the rubber trees, and the diamonds.

The Amazon's river system, though, seemed to resist progress for many years. The first bridge in the entire Amazon basin wasn't built until 2010. The area was too difficult to reach. Too wild a riverbed. Populated by too wild a people.

The dictator's workers symbolically paved the top of the stump where Medici stood to make his speech, and today it stands shrunken and cracked. Now an enormous concrete power pole looms over the stump. It's one of an endless series of identical towers, marching electricity to the reawakened site of the dam called Belo Monte: the Beautiful Mountain.


Men came to Da Silva's door a couple of years ago, and knocked.


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Raining Cats And Blogs: I Learned A Great New Word -

I think our cat does that..never knew what to call it, now I do. Thanks

Posted by Jeanne Kozak (RE/MAX In Action) about 14 hours ago

Sheila, I'll try to find a way to use this word "Kerfluffle", but to me it will be the hardest is to pronounce the word!

I?need help :)?!!.... Happy New Year!!

Posted by EMILIA COOPER-REALTOR?- SFR- Sanford- Lake Mary- Orlando-Central Fl (Charles Rutenberg Realty) about 14 hours ago

LOL... it is a great word.. use it a few times and you can pronounce it easily :)

Thanks guys for stopping by to comment.

Posted by Sheila Newton Team~Anderson & Greenville SC Real Estate/ Foreclosures/Short Sales (RE/MAX Realty Professionals) about 13 hours ago

My cat kerfluffled just last night Sheila, I just didn't know what it was called. ?:)

Posted by Tom Arstingstall - Dry Rot, Water Damage General Contractor in Sacramento (Dry Rot and Water Damage ) about 11 hours ago

Tom - LOL... now you know.. hahaha

Posted by Sheila Newton Team~Anderson & Greenville SC Real Estate/ Foreclosures/Short Sales (RE/MAX Realty Professionals) about 2 hours ago


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Every year, more drivers hit the highways. With countless vehicles on the road, accidents are going to happen. If you get in a car accident, the auto insurance you own can make a big difference in what happens next. But why do you need to own insurance and exactly how much should you purchase? Insurance requirements vary by state/province, but typically include the following: Liability: This kind of insurance will pay for the damage that you have caused. These damages may include bodily injury, and property damage. If you are sued, it also pays your legal fees. Local laws typically require standard amounts of liability insurance, but larger amounts are available and extremely helpful. Personal Injury Protection: This type of insurance pays for the medical treatment for you or your passengers, no matter who was at fault in the collision. It is commonly referred to as no-fault coverage. Local government typically sets minimum amounts. Medical Payments: This coverage can be purchased in states that are not considered no-fault; it pays regardless of who may have been at fault. If this type of coverage is bought, the insured person will receive coverage for reasonable medical or funeral expenses. Collision: Damages that occur from a car accident will be covered under this kind of insurance. Comprehensive: Protect your car from all non-collision damages when you buy this type of insurance. This includes protection from burglary, vandalism, and weather damage. Uninsured Motorist: Pays for repair and replacement costs when someone with insurance is in a crash caused by a driver who does not have liability coverage. Under-Insured Motorist: Similar to uninsured coverage, this kind of insurance protects you against people driving without sufficient insurance coverage. Emergency road service, car rental, and other types of coverage can also be purchased. What you pay for auto insurance varies based on the company and will depend on several factors, including: * What coverage you choose * The type of the car you drive * Your driving record * Your age, gender and marital status * Where you live Many people think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can save you from a financial fiasco. Evaluate your needs, research your options, and with the help of your insurance agency, make the decision that best suits you. Home Insurance Wayne PA


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All eyes on them, Senate leaders seek fiscal deal

President Barack Obama pauses during a statement on the fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders in the briefing room of the White House on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 in Washington. The negotiations are a last ditch effort to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spending cuts. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama pauses during a statement on the fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders in the briefing room of the White House on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 in Washington. The negotiations are a last ditch effort to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spending cuts. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. leaves the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, after a closed-door meeting between President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders to negotiate the framework for a deal on the fiscal cliff. The end game at hand, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders made a final stab at compromise Friday to prevent a toxic blend of middle-class tax increases and spending cuts from taking effect at the turn of the new year. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. leaves the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, after a closed-door meeting between President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders to negotiate the framework for a deal on the fiscal cliff. The end game at hand, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders made a final stab at compromise Friday to prevent a toxic blend of middle-class tax increases and spending cuts from taking effect at the turn of the new year. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., right, accompanied by the committee's ranking Republican, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gestures during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, to discuss changes in Senate procedural rules. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

(AP) ? Senate leaders rushed to assemble a last-ditch agreement to avoid middle-class tax increases and possibly delay steep spending cuts in an urgent attempt to find common ground after weeks of postelection gridlock.

An impatient President Barack Obama pressed top lawmakers to cut a deal, even one that falls short of the ambitions he and congressional leaders may once have harbored for a bigger deficit reduction package. Without a resolution, he warned, "every American's paycheck will get a lot smaller."

"Congress can prevent it from happening, if they act now," he said in his weekly Saturday radio and internet address.

Following a White House meeting Friday among Obama and congressional leaders, aides to Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., began racing against the clock for a bipartisan bargain. The leaders could present legislation to senators as early as Sunday, with a vote possible on Sunday or Monday.

The guest list for the White House meeting included Reid, McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. But the key players were clearly Reid and McConnell, both of whom stayed behind briefly at the White House and huddled with their staffs and Obama's top legislative aide, Rob Nabors, in the West Wing Cabinet Room just outside the Oval Office.

Neither side expected compromise to be easy. However, McConnell and Reid voiced unexpected optimism that they could work toward a deal that could win support in both their camps.

Warned Reid: "Whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect."

Looking to add pressure on negotiators, Obama said that absent a compromise he expects Reid to put legislation on the floor to prevent tax increases on the middle class and extend unemployment benefits ? an implicit challenge to Republicans to dare to vote against what polls show is popular.

Speaking for Republicans in a Saturday radio address, Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri sought to put the burden of a deal on Obama and Reid.

"We still can avoid going over the fiscal cliff if the president and the Democrat-controlled Senate step forward this week and work with Republicans to solve this problem and solve it now," he said.

Whatever manages to pass in the Senate, with its Democratic majority, would then face a second test in the Republican-controlled House.

Boehner, a Republican speaker who has struggled recently with anti-tax rebels inside his own party, said through an aide that he would await the results of the talks between the Senate and White House. A House vote could come as late as Wednesday, the final full day before a new Congress takes office.

Officials said there was a general understanding that any agreement would block scheduled income tax increases for middle-class earners while letting rates rise at upper-income levels.

Obama was sticking to his campaign call for increases above $250,000 in annual income, even though in recent negotiations he said he could accept $400,000.

The two sides also confronted a divide over estate taxes. Obama favors a higher tax than is currently in effect, but one senior Republican, Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, said he's "totally dead set" against it. Speaking of fellow GOP lawmakers, he said they harbor more opposition to an increase in the estate tax than to letting taxes on income and investments rise at upper levels.

But the estate tax was more likely to be used as a possible bargaining chip that Democrats could give away in exchange for higher rates for top earners and other Obama priorities.

Obama and Democrats want to prevent the expiration of unemployment benefits for about 2 million long-term jobless men and women, and there is widespread sentiment in both parties to shelter doctors from a 27 percent cut in Medicare fees.

Also likely to be included in the negotiations are taxes on dividends and capital gains, both of which are scheduled to rise with the new year. Also the alternative minimum tax, which, if left unchanged, could hit an estimated 28 million households for the first time and mean an average increase of more than $3,000.

The White House has shown increased concern about a possible doubling of milk prices if a farm bill is not passed in the next few days, although it is not clear whether that issue too might be included in the talks.

One Republican who was briefed on the White House meeting said Boehner made it clear he would leave in place spending cuts scheduled to take effect unless alternative savings were included in any compromise to offset them. In previous White House proposals, Obama has suggested finding enough cuts in government spending to put off the steeper cuts for up to six months.

Obama, speaking to reporters following his meeting with the congressional leaders, faulted a system that left crucial decisions to the last minute, a way of governing that he said the public finds "mindboggling."

"Outside of Washington nobody understands how it is that this seems to be a repeat pattern, over and over again," he said.

Still, Obama himself is part of the negotiating process, and his meeting with all four top leaders Friday was the first since Nov. 16. A phone call he placed Wednesday night to McConnell was the first the Republican leader had received from a Democrat on the fiscal talks since Thanksgiving.

Looking to add pressure on negotiators, Obama said he expects Reid to put legislation on the floor to prevent tax increases on the middle class and extend unemployment benefits ? an implicit challenge to Republicans to dare to vote against what polls show is popular.

The start of negotiations in the Senate marked a new endgame for discussions that have moved in fits and starts since the November election.

Boehner refused for weeks to accept any rate increases, and simultaneously accused Obama of skimping on the spending cuts he would support as part of a balanced deal to reduce deficits, remove the threat of spending cuts and prevent the across-the-board tax cuts.

Last week, the Ohio Republican presented a Plan B measure that would have let rates rise on million-dollar earners, well above Obama's latest offer for a $400,000 threshold.

Facing defeat, Boehner scrapped plans for a vote, leaving the economy on track for the cliff that political leaders in both parties had said they could avoid.


Associated Press writers Alan Fram and Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

US sailors sue Japan's TEPCO for post-quake radiation exposure ...

Nicholas A. Groesch / Reuters file

Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan wash down the flight deck to remove potential radiation contamination while operating off the coast of Japan providing humanitarian assistance in support of Operation Tomodachi on March 22, 2011.

By Kari Huus, NBC News

A group of U.S. Navy personnel involved in the humanitarian effort after Japan's March 2011 earthquake and tsunami have filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Co. for more than $200 million?in compensation, punitive damages and future medical costs for exposure to radiation that leaked from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant at the time.

The plaintiffs include eight troops serving on the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier ? one of whom was pregnant at the time of the alleged exposure ??and her?daughter.

They charge that the utility, known as TEPCO, "knowingly and negligently caused, permitted and allowed misleading information concerning the true condition of the (plant) to be disseminated to the public, including the U.S. Navy Department," according to the complaint filed on Dec. 21 in a U.S. federal court in San Diego.

?The plaintiffs are suffering a variety of symptoms that attorney Paul Garner says were caused by the exposure, including rectal bleeding, thyroid problems and?persistent migraine headaches, and all face an increased chance of developing cancer and requiring expensive medical procedures.

The U.S. carrier was positioned just offshore from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which and suffered a meltdown which triggered?the release of high levels of radiation into the air and water.

"The carrier was less than two football fields away from the Fukushima Daiichi when it released a cloud of radiation," said Garner, speaking to NBC News on Thursday.

He said the crew was unknowingly exposed to high levels of radiation in numerous ways, including when they cleared the carrier's decks of snow that was contaminated, and washed down the helicopters with sea water that was contaminated.

Archival video: Of all the aftershocks that could hit Japan, nothing frightens the world more than the possibility of a devastating nuclear disaster. NBC's Anne Thompson.

The complaint said that by relying on misrepresentations about the situation by TEPCO, the U.S. Navy was "lulled into a false sense of security," believing it was "safe to operate with the waters adjacent to the FNPP, without doing research and testing that would have revealed the problems."

It goes on to charge that through its conduct, TEPCO "rendered the Plaintiffs infirm and poisoned their bodies. The Plaintiffs must now endure a lifetime of radiation poisoning and suffering which could have and should have been avoided."

Archival video: Damon Moglen of Friends of the Earth discusses the potential dangers that still loom in Japan following an explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility.

The suit is seeking $10 million in damages for each plaintiff, plus?$30 million in punitive damages and a judgment requiring TEPCO to create $100 million fund to pay for their medical costs, including monitoring and treatments.

TEPCO could not immediately be reached for comment by NBC News.

A TEPCO spokesman reached by?The Japan Times?said the company had not yet received the complaint.

"We will consider a response after examining the claim," said Yusuke Kunikage, according to the Times.

Since the disaster, TEPCO has operated a fund to compensate victims in Japan.

Garner said that he didn't believe his clients would get justice through the Japanese system, which is why the suit was filed in a U.S. court. The complaint was served to TEPCO's office in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, he said.

"We need the U.S. justice system to make this right," Garner said.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

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Edwin Rhemrev - Lines and Colors

Edwin Rhemrev
Edwin Rhemrev is a visual development artist based in the Nertherlands who works in the fields of gaming and theme park design.

His website has galleries of his work in sections for environments and characters, as well as a sketchbook. Rhemrev also maintains a blog on which you can find works in progress, news of upcoming projects, and more annotation to the images than you will find on the website.

Rhemrev?s drawings and sketches have that wonderful springy, loose kind of style you often encounter in good visual development artists, with a lot of freedom and action on top of a solid foundation of draftsmanship.

Some of his color work is bright and energetic, while much is subdued and moody, and often rendered very effectively in monochrome.

As I frequently find with concept and visual development artists, some of my favorite pieces are among Rhemrev?s personal projects, where he can let his imagination roam with out the constraints of client requirements.

These include his fun take on the thought of what a hypothetical sequel to The Incredibles might look like (images above fourth from bottom).

I also particularly enjoy his digital plein air sketches of locations in The Hague (above, bottom two).


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Utah Shooting Sports Council offers weapons training for teachers

SALT LAKE CITY - Classroom teachers could stop school shootings by carrying concealed weapons, say gun-rights advocates who plan to offer the required training Thursday for 200 Utah teachers.

The Utah Shooting Sports Council said it would waive its $50 fee for concealed-weapons training for the teachers. Instruction featuring plastic guns is set to begin at noon Thursday inside a conference room at Maverick Center, a hockey arena in the Salt Lake City suburb of West Valley.

It's an idea gaining traction in the aftermath of the Connecticut school shooting. In Ohio, the Buckeye Firearms Association said it was launching a test program in tactical firearms training for 24 teachers initially.

"Schools are some of the safest places in the world, but I think teachers understand that something has changed ? the sanctity of schools has changed," said Clark Aposhian, one of Utah's leading gun instructors. "Mass shootings may still be rare, but that doesn't help you when the monster comes in."

Gun-rights advocates say teachers can act more quickly than law enforcement in the critical first few minutes to protect children from the kind of shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. In Arizona, Attorney General Tom Horne has proposed amending state law to allow one educator in each school to carry a gun.

Educators say Utah legislators left them with no choice but to accept some guns in schools. State law forbids schools, districts or college campuses from trying to impose their own gun restrictions.

"We're not suggesting that teachers roam the halls" for an armed intruder, said Aposhian, chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, the state's leading gun lobby. "They should lock down the classroom. But a gun is one more option if the shooter" breaks into a classroom.

A major emphasis of the safety training is that people facing deadly threats should announce they have a gun and retreat or take cover before trying to shoot, he said.

Utah is among few states that let people carry licensed concealed weapons into public schools without exception, the National Conference of State Legislatures says in a 2012 compendium of state gun laws.

Utah educators say they would ban guns if they could and have no way of knowing how many teachers are armed. Gun-rights advocates estimate that 1 per cent of Utah teachers or 240 are licensed to carry concealed weapons. It's not known how many pack guns at school.

"It's a terrible idea," said Carol Lear, a chief lawyer for the Utah Office of Education, who argues teachers could be overpowered for their guns or misfire or cause an accidental shooting. "It's a horrible, terrible, no-good, rotten idea."


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Monmouth University

Adjunct - Marketing and International Business

Posting Date: 12/26/2012
Closing Date: Open Until Filled

Marketing and International Business


Date Position is Available

Required Degree, Licenses or Certifications:
Master's degree

Required Skills or Software:
Excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills

Other Requirements:
Master's degree in Business or a related field.

Special Instructions to Applicants
Applications will be considered for two semesters.

Transcripts and three letters of recommendation can be directed to: Min Lu, Chair, Marketing and International Business, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ 07764.

For additional information about the department, please go to:

Required Applicant Documents
Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Cover Letter

Log in to to apply and see the job duties for this position no later than the deadline date.

Monmouth is a private, moderate-sized, coeducational, comprehensive University founded in 1933. It serves residential and commuter students in seven schools: the Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences; the School of Education; the Leon Hess Business School; the School of Science; the Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies; the Graduate School; and the Honors School. Monmouth's campus is a five-minute drive from the Atlantic Ocean in West Long Branch, New Jersey, and is convenient to New York City and Philadelphia, as well as plentiful local attractions. The 156-acre campus features 54 buildings, including historic landmarks and state-of-the-art facilities.

Best of all, Monmouth offers an exceptional value. At Monmouth, students benefit from quality academic programs, small classes, professors who meet the highest standards for teaching and academic excellence, a magnificent campus, and state-of-the-art facilities. Plus, Monmouth is just the right size to provide the variety and choice of a comprehensive university combined with the individual attention typical of a small liberal arts college. Monmouth's convenient location, in the heart of a high-tech business region, provides cooperative and post-graduate employment opportunities for many Monmouth students.

Monmouth University is deeply committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusiveness and seeks to create a pluralistic community for all staff, faculty, and students. Monmouth University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



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China satellite navigation starts services to Asia

3 hrs.

A Chinese satellite navigation network created to eventually compete with America's Global Positioning System has started offering services to Asian users outside the country.?

The network's spokesman, Ran Chengqi, said in a press briefing that the Beidou system is offering from Thursday services including positioning, navigation, time and text messaging to users in the Asia-Pacific region.

China expects Beidou to generate a 400 billion yuan ($63 billion) annual market for services to the transport, meteorology and telecommunications sectors.

China, and especially its military, have long been wary of relying on the United States' dominant GPS network, fearing that Washington might take the system offline in a conflict or an emergency.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sea whodunit: How scientists solve whale deaths

Sometimes the bodies show up floating in the ocean, other times they wash ashore. Then it's up to investigators to figure out what happened.

Whales, like humans, can meet unnatural ends. The bodies they leave behind can tell a story about what killed them, sometimes revealing evidence of a prolonged, painful death.

Michael Moore, director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Marine Mammal Center, is among those who lead examinations, known as necropsies, on dead whales.

Whales, because of their enormous size and weight, present a unique challenge when they wash up on a beach or appear floating at sea. [In Photos: The World's Biggest Animals]

A plan & tools
"I don't get involved unless I have a plan, because as soon as I am involved, I am committed to disposing of it," Moore said of a dead whale's body. "So essentially you work backwards from the end stage, whether it be digging a hole in the beach, or trucking it off or towing it back out to sea or whatever."

Moore's tools include a camera, knives (kept in a box marked with a note for airport security), chest waders, rubber gloves, hooks, chains and heavy machinery with trained operators. The heavy machinery ideally includes an excavator, for pulling the animal apart and digging a hole, and a front-end loader, for moving the animal and parts of it around, as well as filling the hole.?

"If you don't have the machinery it can take days and days, you may never finish," the necropsy and bury the whale, he said.

Overall, his crew typically includes eight or nine people.

The suspects
The deaths that most concern Moore are those caused by humans, specifically, by collisions with boats or fishing gear that entangles the whale.

Sometimes the cause is obvious. A ship's propeller can leave slices on a whale's body. In one case, a whale found floating near Jacksonville, Fla., had obvious propeller cuts down one side of its body, including into its chest.

"When the animal was pulled up the beach, you could hear gas coming out of the chest," Moore said.

The blunt trauma of a collision with a boat can be less obvious, while entanglement in fishing gear can be more obvious, or not.

Information about why whales die matters because many whale populations are small and vulnerable.

Right whales, a species of particular interest to Moore, were estimated in 2007 to number at least 396 in the western North Atlantic; they are one of the most endangered large whales in the world. Ship strikes and entanglements with fishing gear are believed to be holding back the right whale population's growth and recovery, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's 2011 stock assessment.?

The necropsy
After inspecting the whale externally and taking measurements, Moore and his crew measure the thickness of its insulating fat, or blubber, which they strip off by hooking the blubber to a chain attached to the bucket of an excavator, to "unpeel it like a banana," he said.

Once the blubber is off, the team peels away the now-exposed muscle, getting down to the chest and abdomen, where they remove ribs and examine the animal's organs ? if they haven't already decomposed.

Moore can't explain what a decaying whale smells like; he lost his sense of smell in veterinary school, because of exposure to formalin, a preservative made with formaldehyde. But rather than an advantage, this is a problem, he said: "I think a good sense of smell is a valuable diagnostic tool, so I regret not having my sense of smell." [The 10 Weirdest Animal Discoveries of 2012]

During this process, the investigators are looking for abnormalities, such as bruising, often accompanied by fractured bones. These are common signs of a boat collision.

Evidence of a fishing gear entanglement may be obvious ? for instance rope, net or other gear still attached to the animal ? but sometimes these are gone.

The whale may have lost the gear over time or fishermen may have removed it in the hopes of salvaging the gear, Moore said.

One humpback whale he examined had obviously been in a trawl net, yet only a small knot of twine in its mouth remained.

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A slow death
Particularly agonizing stories can show up in the entanglement deaths.

Right whales that pick up gear meant for lobsters or humpbacks that catch herring trawl nets can survive for months. The gear ? depending on where it has become attached ? can kill in a variety of ways, Moore and colleagues describe in a review article published in the Journal of Marine Biology earlier this year. It can drown a whale; if caught in the whale's mouth, the gear can starve the animal; it can exhaust them by creating drag; it can cause injuries that can lead to infection and loss of blood.

In the review, Moore and graduate student Julie van der Hoop label these long-lasting whale entanglements "cruel" in their article.

"I think any animal on this planet, especially the more cognitive, higher sentient beings have a right to be as pain-free as possible, and when human activities cause wild animals to be in pain I object to that," Moore said.

Follow LiveScienceon Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook & Google+.

? 2012 All rights reserved.


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