Saturday, June 2, 2012

Awkward Moments | Laugh With Us Blog

By EstherIrish, on May 31st, 2012

I wanted to get out of the house for Memorial Day.? My niece Andrea has been staying with me for about two weeks.? Andrea and my sister Miriam and her little boy all joined us at the park.? We were able to visit a little while all the kids played.? When everyone began getting hungry and thirsty we loaded up and drove to the near by In-N-Out.

By the time we walked in I was completely frazzled.? The kids were running all over the place.? I thought I should take them to find tables.? Grabbing the hand of the child nearest to me with one hand and swinging Bobby around in his car seat with the other I half shouted to Jason, ?You?re ordering for all of us right?? We?ll just go sit down.?? He looked at me kind of strange.? Right about then several men walked in behind us.? One of the men said something to me and laughed.? I had no idea what he had said so I asked him to repeat it.? He said it again and then the other two men laughed.? That?s when I noticed one of the guys looked familiar.? ?Oh hi!?? I said to them all still not catching on to their joke or what ever was funny.

I got everyone situated and firmly planted on chairs.? Whew.? I took a deep breath.? Then I looked at Andrea who was sitting in front of me and said, more loudly than I intended, ?I have absolutely no idea what those men were saying to me.? Do you??? Then out of the corner of my eye I realized that one of the men was sitting right in front of me.?I wanted to crawl into a very deep hole!? So embarrassing!? I looked up and saw my husband talking to the other two.? Then it hit me.? I knew exactly who these people were.? Of course.? They go to our church and while I?ve talked to them before, I?m much more familiar with the women of the family who unfortunately for me happened not to be present on this day.


I would like to recognize my community leaders for May.? This has been an especially busy month for me with a road trip and company staying with me.? Extra thanks to my leaders who did a great job while I?ve been away.? (Leaders? beliefs and/or opinions do not necessarily reflect those of LaughWithUsBlog.)? I?d love for you to visit their blogs!

Shari is a midlife Christian stay at home mom and Grandmother.? She blogs about faith, parenting, step parenting, grand parenting, gardening, cooking, blended families, addiction, product reviews and everything in between.? Here is one of her posts that made me laugh: Vacation Planning: Destination Hobo Hotel.? That would happen to me!

Mari writes at Life in our Castle.? She says she writes strictly for fun and whenever she feels inspired.

Michelle writes about all things green, and we?re not talking Irish!? Her blogs are very informative and well written.? Here she gave a very simple recipe for natural deodorant:? Health Benefits of Using Natural Deodorants.

OneMommy is a former teacher and stay at home mom of two adorable children.? She inspires me with the creative activities she does with her preschoolers. OneMommy also writes about some of the funny mishaps at her house.? Did you ever wonder How Many Minutes in a Can of Pam?? Now we know!

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