Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What are common arguments against adoption? | How to Become a ...

Question by Smartass: What are common arguments against adoption?
When I told my parents, ?I hate kids, but if i wanted any I?d adopt them?, because I?m utilitarian and I believe there?s enough starving children in our country alone, why should i bring in another mouth to feed.

My parents gave me really stupid arguments like
?they won?t respect you as much? (which I doubt),
?how do you know where they?ve been?? (so what? disease?), ?people will think you?re sterile? (again, so what?),
?I don?t want to see a child not born of mine in our home? (ok, you?re just bigoted, and you blame me for being selfish)

Can people give me some better arguments against adoption so I can think about it more?
How expensive is it? More expensive than having your own baby?
I?m talking ORPHANS in need, or a child who?s being neglected by pregnant teens who can?t afford to feed them, I don?t think I?d see their birth parents.
And I know anybody would prefer birth parents than adopted, so obviously this is referring to the situation when and where the birth parents are not available or unwilling.

Best answer:

Answer by Esmerelda
The only argument I can think of is the non-acceptance of your family. It would hurt a child to be looked upon as somehow ?less? because it was adopted.

Other than that ? and if you are a good parent otherwise ? I don?t see any down sides except for the remote possibility of the birth parents changing their minds.

What do you think? Answer below!

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