Friday, July 27, 2012

Video: Carillo: ?Everybody wants to watch the Olympics?

>>> earlier tonight in our london studios right alongside the olympic stadium we followed a tradition. thought we'd take a moment and asked a friend of ours to stop by so we could get her assessment of this event and these games on the eve of official competition. here now our conversation with mary carillo of nbc sports . first of all, how does london feel different?

>> i love this city . i've had the good luck to be here many, many times. just the way this city has come together, the stadium they've built, the surrounding, iconic buildings and monuments around. i'm very inspired already. i love it. i think they're going to have a great games here.

>> you don't often hear people say stadia to use the correct plural usage. i'm impressed.

>> it is "nightly news."

>> i just say stadiums and i hope people understand. what will you be watching? what are your favorites during these games?

>> there's the obvious big american stories on the swimming with lochte and michael phelps and that starts tomorrow. that's going to be big. and of course i'm going to be tuning into that. but there are a couple south african stories i'm going to be watching one of whom is oscar pistourias and we did a story on "rock center" this man, this amputee who is the first ever disabled athlete to be in the olympics . i think when people see him line up alongside a bunch of able bodied guys and you see this man on carbon blades that will be very affecting and emotional to me.

>> we both have kids. they say the olympics is the last event that puts families together watching something.

>> yes.

>> what is that?

>> i think it's something very special. i love the idea that you don't have to be a fan of the big american sports to tune in. everybody wants to watch the olympics . look, how often do you watch fencing, you know?

>> right. not often.

>> all of a sudden, we watch it. and within a couple of days we think we know what we're looking at.

>> we're rooting for something.

>> yes, exactly. then you start using the language of this, you know, it's a splash too big -- we think we actually --

>> veladrome today.

>> that's what i'm talking about. it's going to be a great games.

>> our thanks to mary carillo part of the nbc sports broadcast team with us here


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